Your One-Stop Oldsmobile Repair Shop in Newport News, VA

Newport News Oldsmobile Repair and Service

While the last Oldsmobile rolled off the assembly line in 2004, the Oldsmobile brand has a rich heritage among American automobile manufacturers. Known simultaneously for sophistication and innovation, through the decades Oldsmobile introduced the automatic transmission, the wraparound windshield, and the airbag. If you drive and Oldsmobile in the Newport News area, we welcome you and your car at our auto repair shop.

When your Oldsmobile needs repairs or maintenance, you can trust our Newport News auto repair shop to take good care of your beautiful car. Our technicians are specially trained to do quality work on exceptional vehicles, just like your Oldsmobile. Even with a newer Oldsmobile model, there’s no need to go back to the dealer for automotive services. We can provide the manufacturer suggested vehicle maintenance your Oldsmobile needs, while saving you the time, money, and impersonal service dealerships are known for. And don’t worry—we’ll adhere to Oldsmobile guidelines, and if you have a warranty or recall problem we’ll take care of it.

Come to Guaranteed Auto Service for battery replacement, oil changes, tune-ups, muffler exhaust repair, brake service, shock or strut replacement, A/C service, and anything else your Oldsmobile needs. We also offer excellent service specials for all of our customers—new and repeat—to make sure you know you’re appreciated. If you’re thinking about purchasing a Oldsmobile, we can help ensure you’re making a sound investment with a thorough pre-purchase inspection.

Bring Your Oldsmobile to Guaranteed Auto Service in Newport News, VA!

Let’s face it, nobody is ever happy to spend money on auto repairs, but if getting your Oldsmobile serviced is a pleasant experience then it tends not to be such a big deal. For high quality, value-minded repairs delivered in a timely manner, bring your vehicle to Guaranteed Auto Service!